Steve Rowell
Nellis Range - Revisited
Britain Bombs America, America Bombs Britain
(Britain Bombs Britain, America Bombs America):
A Cultural Exchange Through Bombing
In collaboration with the Center for Land Use Interpretation.

Entitled The Nellis Range Complex: A Global Bombing Microcosm, the UK-sited exhibit described and depicted the largest bombing range in the US, the Nellis Range Complex in southern Nevada, a place where the UK’s Royal Air Force trains, dropping practice bombs on the landscape of the US desert. The exhibit was put together from CLUI Archive images, video, maps and text, with graduate students from the Royal College of Art, based in London, and was on public display at the Ibid gallery in October, 2003. Representing the second half of the program, the US-sited exhibit, called Bomba Povera: A Characterization of the Wash Bombing Range, depicts and describes the largest and busiest bombing range in the UK, a place often used by the US Air Force for target practice - a part of Britain that is bombed by the USA, on a regular basis. The exhibit was presented in an electronic format on two wall mounted monitors at the CLUI in Los Angeles in December 2003.

More on the Nellis Range Complex
More from the Winter 2003 CLUI newsletter article